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Low-Cost 16-CH 250 kS/s 16-Bit Multi-Function DAQ PCI Express Cards
  • Details
  • Specification
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  • x1 lane PCI Express Interface
  • Onboard 1 k-sample A/D FIFO
  • 2-CH 12-bit multiplying analog outputs with waveform generation (DAQe-2214)
  • Operating temperature: 0°C to +55°C (32°F to 131°F)

ADLINK DAQe-2213/2214 can sample up to 16 AI channels with different gain settings and scan sequences. It makes them ideal for dealing with analog signals with various input ranges and sampling speeds. These devices also offer differential mode for 8 AI channels in order to achieve maximum noise elimination.

Technical specifications

Analog Input

Resolution 16 Bit, no missing codes
Number of channels 16 single-ended or 8 differential (software selectable per channel)
Channel gain queue size 512
Maximum update rate 250 kS/s
Programmable gain 1, 2, 4, 8
Bipolar input ranges ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V, ±1.25 V
Unipolar input ranges 0-10 V, 0-5 V, 0-2.5 V, 0-1.25 V
Offset error ±1 mV
Gain error ±0.06% of FSR
Input Coupling DC
Overvoltage protection Power on: Continuous ±30 V, Power off: Continuous ±15 V
Input Impedance 1 GΩ/100 pF
Trigger sources Software, external digital/analog trigger, SSI bus
Trigger modes Pre-trigger, post-trigger, middle-trigger, delay-trigger, and repeated trigger
FIFO buffer size 1 k samples
Data transfers Polling, scatter-gather DMA

Analog Output (DAQ/DAQe-2214)

Resolution 12 Bit
Number of channels 2 voltage outputs
Output ranges 0-10 V, ±10 V, 0-AOEXTREF, ±AOEXTREF
Maximum update rate 1 μs
Slew rate 20 V/μs
Settling time 3 μs to ±0.5 LSB accuracy
Offset error ±2 mV
Gain error ±0.04% of max. output
Driving capacity ±5 mA
Stabililty Any passive load, up to 1500 pF
Trigger sources Software, external digital/analog trigger, SSI bus
Trigger modes Post-trigger, delay-trigger, and repeated trigger
FIFO buffer size 1 k samples
Data transfers Programmed I/O, scatter-gather DMA

Digital I/O

Number of channels 24-CH 8255 programmable input/output
Compatibility 5 V/TTL
Data transfers Programmed I/O

General-Purpose Timer/Counter

Resolution 16 Bit
Number of channels 2
Compatibility 5 V/TTL
Base clock available 40 MHz, external clock up to 10 MHz

General Specifications

Auto Calibration Yes (+5 V, ±2 ppm/˚C)
Dimensions 175 mm x 107 mm (not including connectors) (DAQ-2213/2214)
168 mm x 107 mm (not including connectors) (DAQe-2213/2214)
Connector 68-pin VHDCI-type female
Power requirements +5 V 1.2 A typical (DAQ-2213)
+3.3 V 0.84 A, +12 V 0.604 A typical (DAQe-2213)

+5 V 1.2 A typical (DAQ-2214)
+3.3 V 0.77 A, +12 V 0.572 A
typical (DAQe-2214)

Environmental and physical specifications

Operating temperature 0˚C to 55˚C (32˚F to 131˚F )
Storage temperature -20˚C to 70˚C (-4˚F to 158˚F)
Humidity 5 to 95%, non-condensing
Model Description
DAQe‑2213 Low-Cost 16-CH 16-Bit 250 kS/s Multi-Function DAQ PCI Express Card without Analog Outputs
DAQe‑2214 Low-Cost 16-CH 16-Bit 250 kS/s Multi-Function DAQ PCI Express Card
DIN-68S-01 Termination board with one 68-pin SCSI-II connector with DIN socket
ACL‑10568‑1 68-pin SCSI-VHDCI cable (mating with AMP-787082-7), 1M
ACL-SSI-4 SSI Bus cable for four devices
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